Friday, May 28, 2010

Firebrands is out in the world!

When I reached Portland for the last leg of my two month's journey, I was soon handed a copy of Firebrands, the book project that I and others labored over for the last year and a half. It was wonderful to see all of those emails, jpegs, conversations, and pdf's finally becoming what they were meant to be: a book, an object out in the world, to be read, shared, discussed, and used! I'm very proud of it now, and of all the effort that Bec and I and the folks at Justseeds put into it. It's hard for me to know what to say beyond that, but suffice to say I'm satisfied. You can get it from Microcosm Publishing, AK Press, or right from us at Justseeds. Give me a shout, tell me what you think.

Stay tuned for updates on the new Justseeds space we're working on in Pittsburgh, some much-needed revamping on my portfolio site, and some other projects I hope to get underway as summer unfolds. I've come home refreshed and confident but feeling like I'm not getting enough of my own ideas into workable projects, so here goes a new chapter...

For the voyeur in you, check out the scores of pictures I've posted from the travels in Australia, India, and the cross-country drive from Portland to Pittsburgh in a rental moving all the Justseeds operations to the new space.

UPDATE: Just found out yesterday that Stuart and I did not receive the grant we applied for through the Puffin Foundation over six months ago. We sought to fund production of a touring penny smasher that would feature depictions of labor and environmental struggles in the Appalachian coal mining industry throughout history (illustrated by Bill Yund), but their "Board of Directors was not able to respond favorably to (our) request for funding"...

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