Today I started cleaning them up, rather minimally, and picked up a few other supplies I've never actually worked with: asphalt crack filler and tar paper. What I'm trying to do is mimic the installation of the "Toynbee Tiles" - these are basically linoleum tile mosaics installed into asphalt roads by using crack filler, tar paper, and asphalt's unique knack for assimilating solid objects as cars drive over them. For a serious rundown of the Toynbee mystery, check out friends-of-friends' website Resurrect Dead (a film is in the works), which is a real treasure trove of research - they're in Philly, after all, where most of these tiles have been discovered. In their "external links" they have also graciously posted a very detailed how-to for making and installing the tiles, which originally appeared in Crimethinc's Recipes For Disaster handbook.

Whatever the outcome, I'll post pictures, but I've got to wait first for the tires to wear down the top layer of tar paper. That could take days or weeks - the product label doesn't address tar paper's durability when you glue it to the middle of the road.
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