Saturday, October 26, 2013

Presentations & Renovations

I knew 2013 would be this way: November looms, the house is still in a perpetual state of renovation, and it's getting cold again. The big garden bed has been dug out (thanks for the help, Dad) with next summer's garlic planted, and now I'm doing the research to get our old wood stove installed in the garage studio before winter sets in. With the fire going, I can hopefully finish organizing the workshop... and with the workshop more or less in swing, I can get on with making future work.

Meantime, I've got some presentations upcoming that I'm excited about. October 31, I'll be over in Indianapolis at the 2013 National Preservation Conference. I'm presenting on behalf of the Howling Mob Society, in a panel titled "Art, Heritage and Quality of Life: Lessons from the Venice Biennale" - with me on the panel are Graham Correil-Allen (New Public Sites) and Richard Saxon & Stuart Hyatt (M12 Collective). The panel will be moderated by Mimi Zeigler.

On the heels of Indianapolis (Nov. 4-5), I'll be headed to Lewisburg, PA, to do a series of in-class workshops and presentations with students at Bucknell University on behalf of Justseeds. With me will be the multi-faceted Marshall Weber of the Booklyn Artists' Alliance.

Below is a rendering from a proposal I sent out this summer, involving charcoal rubbings of state historical markers. In the rubbings, the original, sparse and state-sanctioned texts will be further redacted to highlight their oft-problematic phrasing, effectively editing the already heavily-edited, yet authoritative, accounts of regional historical events which usually downplay the social origin and oppression that leads to popular revolts and state violence against the populace. I hope to get started on these in the Spring...

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